***The Thompson Park Tree Trek blog has been cleaned off as we prepare for this year's students' observations. It should be updated by mid-September. Thank you for visiting.***

51 - 52 - 53 - 54

51. Blackgum
September 2014

September 2014
The Blackgum Tree is little.

September 2014
The leaves have red dots.

September 2014
The bark is smooth and slippery.

September 2014
The leaves have red dots and red stems and they look like Poison Ivy.

November 2014
November 2014
The tree has grown taller and it has lost almost all of its leaves. 

November 2014
It has buds. 

November 2014
The leaves have turned red like the dots.

April 2015
April 2015

April 2015
The tree does not have any leaves but has grown about 1 1/2 feet.

April 2015
The tree has more buds. 

April 2015
The bark of the tree is really smooth.

52. European (Black) Alder
September 2014

September 2014
The bark of the European (Black) Alder Tree is rough, bumpy, scratchy, slippery and paper-like.

September 2014
The tree is deciduous and is a small tree. It has alternate branches.

September 2014
The leaves are simple non-lobed leaves.
September 2014
It has cones growing on it.

November 2014
November 2014
Some of the leaves are changing colors a little bit.

November 2014
The leaves look about the same.

November 2014
The cones are now tiny pine cones and they have turned brown.

April 2015

April 2015
The bark looks about the same
but there is more moss growing on it.

April 2015
The leaves are greener and softer.

53. Silver Linden
September 2014
September 2014
The Silver Linden Tree looks like a lollipop!

September 2014
The Silver Linden has a simple non-lobed leaf.

September 2014
The Silver Linden tree has smooth brown bark.

September 2014
The tree has alternating branches with brown berries.

November 2014
November 2014
It has not changed since September!

November 2014
The leaves are the same. They are still green.

November 2014
November 2014
The bark of the Silver Linden Tree still looks the same.

November 2014
The bark has grown some moss.

November 2014
There are still little nuts or berries growing on the tree.

April 2015
April 2015
The leaves of the Silver Linden are smaller.

April 2015
The trunk seems to be wider.

April 2015
It has reddish flowers.

54. The Magnolia Grove
September 2014
September 2014
The Magnolia Grove has a lot of trees which are all different sizes. 

November 2014
The trees in the Magnolia Grove have lost their leaves. 
There are bigger fuzzy buds.
There are a lot of red leaves scattered on the ground.

April 2015
The trees in the Magnolia Grove Trees leaves are green again.
All of the trees look like they have grown taller and a little wider.

 M. Soulangiana

M. Virginiana

M. Royal Star

M. Ballerina

M. Alexandrina

M. Elizabeth

M. Stellata

M. Butterfly

M. Dr. Merrill

September 2014
The Magnolia tree has fuzzy white buds on it's branches.
M. Jane

A lot of the trees were young Magnolia trees.
M. Galaxy

The bark is smooth, bumpy, scratchy, paper-like, leathery and dull.
 It has moss growing on the trunk.
M. Betty

The Magnolia tree is deciduous with opposite branching.

M. Ann

The leaves are simple non-lobed leaves and are bowled shaped.
M. Gold Star

M. Kobus Borealis

April 2015
April 2015

April 2015

April 2015

April 2015

April 2015